Leoville Las Cases

2016 Leoville Las Cases Leoville Las Cases

  • Classification:
    2nd growth
  • Color:
  • Appellation:
    Saint Julien
  • Volume:
  • Grape Type:
    Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc
  • Packaging:
    OWC x 6
  • Stock Location:
Wine Critics Notes:

Vinous - Score: 98 (Jan. 2019)

The 2016 Léoville Las-Cases underwent three more months in barrel than usual, and was bottled in September 2018. It has an extremely intense bouquet that manages to retain otherworldly delineation. It is not as expressive as its peers at this early stage (but then again, it rarely is). Yet there is palpable coiled-up energy on the nose, and you can feel the mineralité. The palate is medium-bodied with super-fine tannin and layers of pure black and blue fruit laced with allspice and a pinch of white pepper. It fans out wonderfully on the finish, which exerts fine grip but never overwhelms. This is undoubtedly one of the best wines ever made by the estate. Close to perfection.