
Burgundy locates in central-eastern France, near the city of Dijon, is built on centuries of winemaking tradition, with close historical links to the monasteries. There are four different classifications in Burgundy: regional, commune, and two kinds of single vineyard communes, premier cru and grand cru.

Burgundy’s key grape varieties are Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, largely due to the cool and moderate climate of the region.

In Burgundy, the concept of “terroir” (land) is very important, since it’s the soil that gives its name to the wine.

共有 26 款酒

  1. 1943REBOTd1394fd7
    Clos Des Lambrays
    1943 Clos Des Lambrays
    Clos Des Lambrays
    € 1,298
    颜色: 红葡萄酒
    容量: 0.75L
    包装: 散瓶
    库存地点: 法国
    库存: 1 BOTTLE

共有 26 款酒
